Not The Favorite

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Take This, You Whiny Bitches

I heard from a little birdie that you people miss my rants and feel that I need to start posting more often. Well, here it is. Damn it, I'm happy and being happy isn't conducive to ranting. Also, I seem to have writers block more often than I'd like which makes it really hard to post on a regular basis. Here are some things to feed your voyeuristic appetites:

- While eating supper tonight Lauren looked right at me and said, "Toast. NOW. Mum-meh!" and then gave me the stink eye.

- We tried to lease a new car this past weekend. DENIED! I suck. Leave it at that, you nosy bastards.

- I may not like my husband all the time because he knows EXACTLY which buttons to press with me, but I love him all the time because he knows exactly which buttons to press with me. Awwww. Shut the hell up.

- I'm addicted to Have a look and try to guess which confessions are mine. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I'll end with an MSN conversation I had last week that blew my mind.
Me: "I watched my dad be taken to the hospital today in an ambulance. I'm freaking out because I'm not sure what's wrong."
Friend: "Oh. So, what else is new?"

Um, WTF???

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posted by LadyLipgloss at 8:50 PM


WOW!!!! That was awesome! I miss you.

Sucks about the car, little princesses can be as bad as the queens from which they came and WTF is wrong with your friend?!!!!!


8:34 PM  

dumb the friend..

Love that your back !

6:36 PM  

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