Not The Favorite

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bitch, You Better Keep Driving

I am not usually the type to bitch about stupid drivers and can normally let things slide but holy sweet fucking Christ people. Today you pushed me too damn far.

I was leaving Jon’s office this morning after dropping him off and doesn’t some asshole coming in decide to take up the entire width of the driveway almost plowing into the front of my car.

About 2 minutes later, in front of the on/off ramps on Kimble, I see this car driving towards me in MY lane. And it only takes me a second to realize that this fucking RETARD didn’t scrape his god damned windshield which was COMPLETELY covered in frost. Um, isn’t it kind of important to see out of the front of the car? Or maybe this particular driver felt he could use his echolocation skills and “sense” the other drivers with his super bat-like hearing!

On to lunch time. After dropping Lauren off at Jay’s, I made my way down Fulton Ave and was about the turn left onto Maple. Or so I thought. This Black Malibu, turning left on to Fulton at the stop sign on Maple, couldn’t decide whether it wanted to stop or not and so it galloped, yes galloped, straight through the STOP sign right in front of me. I had the right of way, what with NO STOP SIGN seen for me anywhere, so I threw up my hands in the air like “WTF Dude??” and the female passenger FLIPS ME OFF!!! AHHHHHH!!! She was so fucking lucky the driver kept going cause bitch would’ve gone DOWN! I. Was. Livid.

I just wanted to get to Jon’s office for him to bring me back to work and don’t I get stuck behind a frickin BACK HOE going 20kms the entire length of Maple Street. (Insert teeth grinding noise here)

I finally make it to his office and all I could say when asked how my day was going was “Get me the hell out of this car.”

Although, it did make my day to see a lady slip on a patch of ice next to her car and throw her keys over her roof.

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posted by LadyLipgloss at 12:49 PM


You are sadistic but totally the post.....

1:22 PM  

A black mMalibu...crazy driver...ARE MOM AND DAD HOME?!?!?

4:22 PM  

Ok, I cackled at the woman slipping on the ice and tossing her keys. Then I had to laugh AGAIN at Princess' comment.

It's true when people say that Fredericton drivers are the rudest in the province. I add a caveat that they are also the stupidest.

7:46 PM  

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